A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


A recent visit to a neice I see very infrequently was just delightful. It was fun to see her two young boys. It was fun to see the home she has created. And it was wonderful to see her energy. She teaches American History at a large mid western university. As she talked about a course she has created, her face became alive. Her eyes smiled, her voice was animated and her description flowed. One could feel her energy.

We each have places in our lives we can be creative. We can be creative in our homes-cooking a new dish, rearranging a bedroom, painting a wall, playing a new game with our family; at work in simply being geneerous to a co-worker who annoys us; at play in trying a new sport or a new haircut!

In our spiritual lives we can take time for a new prayer-simply asking God to be with us in times of stress.

We are not trapped!

In what small places in your life can you be creative? Can you feel yourself smile both inwardly and outwardly? Can you feel new energy?


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