In talking with a friend about the blog on "managing expectations," she reminded me of how pertinent that topic is to recovery...recovery from anything. All too often as a person comes out of treatment there are expectations by the recovering person and the family that lead to great sadness. Coming out of treatment almost everyone expects to be the person who "makes it," to be the person who never drinks or drugs again, to be the person who the desire to drink or drug is taken away... to be the person who no longer is critical, who is now the "perfect" husband and father. Too often the "expectations" are way, way too idealistic.
Though relapse is not inevitable and some people are blessed enough to have the desire taken away, much more frequently there are relapses,...or the recovering person struggles with recovery,.. or is cranky...and still does alot of those annoying habits that we blamed on his or her selfishness when drinking.
We all need to manage our expectations of recovery...any recovery.
This lovely person with whom I had this discussion reminded me also of one way to manage expectations. She reminded me of Psalm are some phrases that touch me:
"He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases
...The Lord is merciful and loving-slow to anger and full of constant love
He does not keep rebuking:He is not angry forever
...He knows what we are made of and remembers that we are dust."
I am reminded that I manage my expectations of myself and others through the gift of God's grace.
I forgive because I am forgiven.
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