This sweet new dog of ours, Izzy, needs to be spayed. I have been really stressed about it. She is so fearful---shakes and runs at every loud noise; has a low growl when new people confront her; wants to be in my husband's lap whenever he sits down. We took her to the vet for immunizations last week and she was terrified---had to be carried in to the office, growled at the vet.
So I have been awake for two nights dreading what it would take to get her into the vet's office again for the spay and how she would behave. I sure don't want her to be aggressive in her fear. So off we went at 6 a.m.---to avoid confrontations with other other dogs. Sure enough she had to be carried in (about 50 pounds of dead weight) ---but once in the exam room, she settled down pretty quickly. To make a long story short---it was not nearly as traumatic for her (or me) as I thought.
As we drove home, I shared with my husband about how I had been dreading the morning. He said, "You really set yourself up, don't you?" And after my initial desire to refute that, I have to acknowledge that really is true. I can "jump tall buildings" and really fantasize about the worst possible scenario---especially when it is clear I have no control over a particular situation. In good situations all my planning pays off---when I can control the outcome with good planning. But when it is clear I have no control, I can stay awake nights with nervousness and tension.
It may sound trite and silly, but I thanked God for things going reasonably well this morning. I know God has bigger things to be involved in , but I do believe He is with me even in the little stuff.
Now I need to work on this "setting myself up" for stress and tension in certain situations---to thank God for my ability to plan and also to ask for His peace ---even in the little stuff.
Would you find more peace if you recognize God's help---even in the little stuff?
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