Yesterday when I checked my email for the first time that morning there was an email from one of my cousins. Gary and I are about the same age and are fairly close---for people who have never lived near each other as adults. But as teenagers we used to double date, were in each others weddings and generally have enjoyed each others company when we do get together. We talk on the phone maybe once a year. We visit every couple of years.
Gary was an airline pilot and in retirement he and his wife travel alot. And the email said, "I am in Greece; have been mugged and lost cash, billfold etc....Send money." No address given.
Now I've heard about all the scams and I really was suspicious immediately. For one thing, Gary has alot of money and has friends with alot more money than we have. One of my first thoughts was I would probably not be the first person Gary would contact for money. But I also thought that if he really was in trouble I would want to help. There were a couple of things that furthered my suspicion so after about an hour I picked up the phone and called his home number in Dallas. Sure enough Gary answered. It was a scam---his computer had been hacked.
Now I can't think of anything particularly spiritual to add to this blog---only that Gary and I had a good reconnection on a very personal level. Maybe one that we needed to have. His wife has been ill and he sounded tired.
Be careful of scams. Pick up the phone when you get a prompt to do that---maybe even if it feels like a scam. Is God prompting you? I don't know.I only know it felt good to talk with Gary.
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