A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Friday, June 17, 2016

location, location, location

In all the horror and tragedy of the past week, there was a lovely reminder of the beauty and peace of nature, of God, in our backyard. Yesterday morning a baby robin perched on a small fence surrounding our patio. Daddy robin sat next to him offering a berry. The baby sat there for many minutes---maybe 20--- before getting the nerve to try his wings. Mother and dad flew by several times, chasing away an intrusive cat bird. Finally baby tentatively took flight---not very far but mom and dad remained right there as he tested his wings. .

And then this morning robin parents were again very active in the same area....same robins or another family, I do not know. As I sat with newspaper and coffee and followed their flight I spotted the nest---nestled in the trunk of the tree where the limbs started to spread....just above the patio. I watched all morning as they flew back and forth from nest to grass to nest-clearly feeding babies still in the nest.

When my husband came out, I showed him the hollow where the parents busied themselves. "That's a great spot." It made me think of the realtor suggestion when buying a house, "It's all about location, location, location."

Thank you, gracious God, for giving me a few moments of peace and delight --reminding me to place all trust and faith in your presence---your presence in my life and the lives of the families and friends touched by all the violence of the past week. Help us remember your arms surround us and hold us---always.


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