There is a great deal more to Las Vegas than casinos and heat. The Cleveland Clinic, major health center in the midwest, has an incredible health center here dealing primarily with diseases of the brain. It offers weekly lectures for the public focusing on keeping healthy. Yesterday's lecture was on holistic health---eating well, exercise and meditation. Most of us have the basics of fruits, vegetables, workouts, and reducing stress.
The presenter made a point related to stress that resonated with an important point in recovery and for everyone looking to improve their focus. Her point was that our thoughts create the stress in our lives. How we view a situation, what we think, is what creates the stress. Her additional point was that our thoughts are circular. Today 90% of what occupies our thoughts is what we thought about yesterday. We think the same thoughts over and over! And so often those thoughts are negative-mistakes we made, things we wish we had said or done differently. Over and over and over.
The suggestion the presenter made was mindfulness. The mindfulness can be yoga, meditation, repeating mantra, tai chi, etc. etc. All of that makes sense and is a way to be in the moment... a way to keep the recurring thoughts from upsetting our well being.
A calming mantra known to many of us seems to fit this idea of mindfulness.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
Notice who we are asking for help. When we are saying this "mantra," this prayer, we are in this moment.
Can we sit quietly and say this prayer for 10 minutes each day? Might it help? Worth a try!
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