I've been working on this mindfulness theory a bit. Each evening I go out on the deck and sit for a few minutes and work on meditation or a "mantra." The Serenity Prayer" I mentioned in the last blog seems a bit wordy for these sessions so I've changed the mantra to "Peace." One word. It seems to calm me---pushes the clutter in my brain to the side.
The pope recently said "Peacemaking calls for courage much more so than warfare. It calls for courage to say yes to encounter and no to conflict." Those words certainly apply to our daily conflicts in family, at work, in our stressful days. It takes courage to go to a family member, maybe someone we have resented for years, and say, "Can we work through this?"
I am so very touched when I look at the map on the "statistics" page of this blog and see who reads this. If only we could get the leaders in Russia and the Ukraine and the U.S., and all the nations, to really believe that peace takes more courage than conflict. If only we could get ourselves to have the courage to approach that person in our family or at work and say, "Can we work through this?" Those words can lead to Peace.
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