A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

another sleepless night

My sleep disorder showed up again last night. The night becomes one of being awake for at least two hours. I'm not certain what triggers the awake period but I sure do fret about things during that time. And I don't have much to fret about!

But last night I thought about and prayed for people I know who do have alot to fret about. One person is someone I don't even know. I saw her 2 days ago as I sat in our car and waited for my husband. We were in a very bad part of town. My husband was counseling a cocaine addict at the addict's apartment--in itself not a very good thing to do--but my husband reaches out when the need is there. Anyway, I was people watching and saw this young family climb into an old, beat up Ford truck. Father, mother, a little boy about 4 years old, a little girl about 3 years old and a baby in the mother's arms. Now we had an old beat up Ford truck like that one and there were only two seat belts. Which makes me pretty sure this truck had no seat belts for the children, and no car seats.

Last night I thought about and prayed for the struggles this family has.  Seat belts and car seats are probably not their first concern. Food on the table is probably the first priority. It is so easy not to see the struggles so many people have.

I wonder if that young mother and father have sleepless nights. What do they fret about? How about my many friends who are caretakers of their loved ones who are ill? What are their sleepless nights like? Do they trust in God's love? Do they know that how very dark it is, He holds them?

Do I trust? Do you trust?


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