"Be Not Afraid", one of my favorite hymns, was the Entrance hymn in church Sunday. It gives me such peace. "I go before you always, come follow me." God's promise.
Later in the day I asked a young friend what she might be afraid of. She said she is afraid of failing. She said she has missed a number of opportunities, both professional and spiritual, because she is afraid of failing. When I asked an older friend, she said she is afraid of failing health. Our fears are different at different times in our lives.
I thought of friends, clients, family who are afraid of recovery. They may have "failed" at recovery, --maybe several times!-- and fear failing again. A relapse can be devastating. They may be afraid of recovery itself. Their thinking goes---'What will I do for fun? ...Recovery means I have to change. I don't like change...who will I hang out with?....How will I ease my pain?...this is who I am---I'm the guy with the truck and the swagger---I'm the girl who does shots and everybody laughs with (at)--He might leave me"--- all kinds of excuses. "What if I relapse again?...Why bother?" In the middle of an "urge," we tend to forget the peace that comes with recovery.
"Be not afraid. I go before you always.Come follow me and I will give you rest." God's promise.
Today, let us remember He promises His peace. When we fear failure or health problems, when we fear 'picking up again', whatever we struggle with---whenever--- let us see God before us---come follow Him to His peace. His rest.
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