This morning an email from the husband of a woman who struggled with alcoholism until her death in February. A young woman---a woman with a 15 year old daughter---a woman with a husband who didn't leave---a woman who was a teacher---a woman with so much to live for---died in her bathroom after a binge with a quart of Capt. Morgan (she used to call him her friend.) She had treatment---a month....expensive---promising. She was hopeful. But she when she returned home she wasn't willing/able to put her recovery first----there were lots of "yes, buts,," not willing/able to put her recovery in her relationship with God.
The disease was just too powerful. It's called an addiction for a reason. It is a fatal disease.
Such a frightening time it must have been for her when she started drinking again. Such a frightening time for her husband and daughter.
But there is hope for people who are open to breaking through the denial, people willing to make the seemingly impossible choices,people willing to hear their own "yes, buts...", people open to hearing the Holy Spirit right there with them, willing to take God's hand.
On this Good Friday let us remember God's redeeming action, His forgiveness, and His promise to be with us in all of this.
Let us give thanks for His grace in giving us another chance.
Please say a prayer for my friend and her family---that they feel God's healing love surrounding them.
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