A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

praying in disappointment

In yesterdays' meditation Fred Buechner isn't really talking about disappointment but he is talking about sadness and need for healing. I thought of my family with their sadness and disappointment yesterday. Buechner says, ""But there are other times--often the most unexpected, unlikely times--when strong as life itself comes the sense there is holiness deeper than shabbiness and horror (sadness and disappointment) and at the very heart of darkness a light unutterable..and in that room of thanksgiving and remembering there is peace."

In our disappointments and darkness we pray to remember God's wonderful work in our lives---to feel that light unutterable---peace.


Saturday, July 23, 2016


Some of our family had a big trip planned for 2 days ago. It was a plane trip to "home" (across country) and family where the parents had grown up and also their now adult daughter. The mom had recently completed 2 years of chemo/bone marrow transplant and very very difficult recovery. She had missed trips "home" for 2 years though her large family had visited here. For her it was to be sort of a victory lap.
Along with their adult daughter were daughter's husband, mom's own husband  and two grand children--ages 3 and 1 1/2 years. Mom had agreed to use a wheelchair---kids needed stroller and car seat---and seven suitcases. Not an easy trip.

As they waited to check the car seat at the gate, the screen flashed to "flight cancelled." Can  you imagine??!! I've had difficult trips but this one was an absolute nightmare. Finally after several hours and very little help from the airline, they simply cancelled. The arrangements the airline suggested were absolutely not do-able.

They drove home amidst many tears, without luggage, without a new plan. When they arrived home the 3 year old (who had really been prepped for this trip) said, "Mommy, I didn't like that trip."

Now in the old days, that would have been a real excuse for a couple of shots of bourbon for me. It made me think about how we respond to disappointment in recovery. In recovery we need new strategies. It has to be part of our recovery plan---can't wait for the disappointment  and then figure it out.

What is your recovery plan for disappointment---even the small everyday disappointments?
Does it include prayer? Does it include remembering God is always with us to help us through?


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

the computer, the robins and family

My computer crashed! Holy shamoly the frustration! ...buy which replacement? how to pay bills while no internet? how to work the new one? no link to printer-yet----touch pad-no mouse! no Microsoft word!
I can really get worked up about all of this.

Then I sat on the patio this morning and watched the robins feeding the babies in the nest in the tree at the edge of the patio. Peaceful---full of peace, a gift.

Then a friend called with much sadness---family struggles, difficult situation, difficult communication, the possibility of a deep split.

Life can be so hard---the little stuff, the big stuff---making certain we know what is big stuff and what is little stuff It seems to me the big stuff is the family stuff-the relationships. The rest of it is really trivial.

Dear God, today let me be mindful that I don't waste your or my time on the trivial. Let me pray for the friend and her family. Let me take great pleasure in the robins. Let me not get so stressed by the computer. Remind me to be thankful I can buy a new one---for heavens sake!!!


Monday, July 4, 2016

does it make a difference in how you live your life?

The story of "doubting Thomas" was the focus of a recent meditation we have been reading. We know the story---the disciple Thomas was told of Jesus resurrection but said if he didn't see the holes in Christ's hands or place his hand in the gash in Christ's side, he would not believe in the resurrection. The writer of our meditation said that this is our story---that it is so very hard for us to believe in Christ's resurrection in a way that "affects how we live our lives."

That seems so very true. If we really believed in Christ's resurrection how different would our lives be? Would we leave all---everything---and live our lives differently?

Do you believe?

Even now on a daily basis would that belief make a difference in how you live your everyday---more patient with your spouse, children, co-workers? More generous to those in need---with your time, your money? Take more time to pray---to talk with God? Thank God for his gifts---your recovery?What difference?

Interesting to think about.
