A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

1600 miles later

We made it. A few glitches but we are here in Las Vegas and safe. All our belongings wouldn't fit on the moving van they sent; the truck broke down in Phoenix, Arizona; we barely made it through Colorado as the terrible storms pounded the windshield. But when we look at the pictures of the devastation in Colorado; when we look at the tragedies at the Washington Navy Yard and the mall in Kenya, we realize how very, very small our  personal inconveniences are. How very, very small!

It is wonderful for us that the move feels right. Already dinners and time with children and grandchildren. Our local teenage grandson has been here to help unpack and the baby is soon to take his first steps. The house is setting up nicely and the view of the lake and ducks is better than expected. But really, how very very small!

As we drove through some major cities (like Kansas City and Denver) I was amazed at the millions of cars and people on their way to their very important appointments. But really how very, very small!

I guess a major change in our daily routine , like this move, has the wonderful consequence of shaking up our perspectives and horizons.

I pray that as the daily inconveniences appear, as the move loses some of its excitement, I will remember the thousands of miles, the millions of people, the tragedies encountered by so many and remember how very, very small I am.

I pray I remember that even though I am so very, very small, God loves me as his daughter. I pray you remember that this day also. Wow!


Thursday, September 5, 2013


I just had to reset my cell phone for the closest tower reception. That is call "roaming" and I like the word because that is what it feels like we are up to.  In fact, I needed to relearn how to "roam" because we are moving---again!! Yep! We are off for the next part of our adventure. As of Monday, Sept. 9, we are moving to Las Vegas, Nevada---otherwise known as "sin city." I certainly hope that is not the case for us.

The decision to do this move has been in the works for about 8 months. The ultimate reason is to be nearer a couple of our children. One adult son and family live in Las Vegas and another is about a 4 hour drive from there in Southern California. A number of  family members and friends have responded with "You are doing what??? Going where??" We know many people do not understand our willingness to move, to explore, to revise decisions. For us the upbeat side is we enjoy new places and people. We see it as being flexible and open...roaming. The downbeat side is many people see us nuts-absolutely nuts. So be it.

So we've packed the boxes, changed the addresses, and said goodbyes. We have rented a neat looking house in "Vegas" and look forward to time with children, grandchildren, gorgeous nearby state and national parks---and a sense of security with family nearby.

Tomorrow we disconnect the cable for tv and computer so I won't be blogging until we get hooked up again...probably about 2 weeks.

Please keep us in your prayers as we embark on our 1600 mile drive and we will connect again in about 2 weeks. I pray you remember to check in again at that time. I'd hate to lose you!

Do you have a major decision that people may respond, "You're doing what??? Are you nuts???" Have you thought about all the pros and cons? Have you asked God to be with you in the decision--even when you "roam?" Do you know that He is?


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


We attended another college graduation last week. The young woman graduate had just completed her undergraduate degree in microbiology at a very prestigious Midwest university in 3 years. I asked her how she had managed it---how did she have the confidence to undertake the course work and the challenges. She is not a boastful person but said there were a couple of things. One was that she thought there was no way she could afford a fourth year. The college loan debt would have been overwhelming so she felt she had to double up on courses taken each semester. Plus she said, "I know I am smart and I figured I could do it." She does have a very high IQ! When I asked about stress levels, she said she never felt too much stress. She planned her work and studied but never felt she couldn't do it.

When I asked where she thought she acquired that confidence, she said she thought it came over the years. She thought past successes in high school, teachers who mentored her and told her she could accomplish this or that, and the ongoing support of her parents were the foundation of her confidence.

There is nothing new or startling about those insights. We all have read those ideas from many sources. But what about those of us without a "very high IQ" and those of us who do not feel we are particularly bright, or haven't had mentors or parents who support our achievements? How do we achieve success or even just keep going through the stresses and challenges of everyday?

I think we set short term goals. This young woman is unsure of what her next step will be. She doesn't have a major life plan. She bites off her life in manageable, measurable goals. "I'll get through college and then I'll figure out what's next...I'll keep this loan manageable so I don't get overwhelmed and have to take the wrong job."

For those of us in recovery, there is a valuable lesson here. We don't have to envision our recovery as life long. We only have to get through the next day or week or month. Then we can go on from there. That "recovery" can be from any of the challenges we face---addiction, of course, but also from episodes of anger, from running up credit card debt, from eating problems, from promiscuity, from porn, from anything that causes us stress---from anything that keeps us from our relationship with God.

We remember to turn to God for His grace. He is our mentor, our parent. He assures us of His unconditional love and grace. He is there for us--if only we remember. He doesn't care if we don't have a "very high IQ."

What measurable goal can you set today to reduce your stress from the challenges you face? Can you remember that God is right there giving you His love and grace.
