A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Friday, March 18, 2016

take a moment

Las Vegas, Nevada was never on my list of places I wanted to live--much less ever being on my bucket list. But as life will have it, here I am. At times I fantasize about being back in Virginia or maybe near the ocean in California. But then I take a moment and look at my reality---Las Vegas.

Life here is convenient, affordable, decent medical doctors, secure with family nearby---and a church that seems to offer opportunities I have not had before through a church. There is a sense of community in this church. People really take time and reach out to the less fortunate---the marginalized. Programs and money and especially time is offered through meals, homelessness housing, time with disadvantaged youth. The term discipleship is truly actualized.

Personally I am given the opportunity to use my background in mental health nursing through workshops and groups. I have often said I think the most important thing we can do in life is be loving parents. As I have worked with people challenged with all kinds of mental health problems, I have continued to maintain that if parents can give a solid sense of love,values, morals, ethics etc, then children can grow into productive, solid, loving adults. And now this church has asked me to write a column for the monthly newsletter on parenting! What a joy! An opportunity to actualize one of my core beliefs.

I'll use the books that helped me parent my own children and that I feel really changed how I parented--Children the Challenge  and Raising the Responsible Child. They are still in publication all these years later!--gives credit to how good they are! So I'll try to put their information into easy, readable columns---short, church newsletter type columns. Of course I'll give them all the credit ---and maybe, just maybe, a busy, overwhelmed parent may have a moment to read something that might help in their relationship with their child...to speak more gently, to give options, to ask questions, to set limits, to use logical consequences

I am convinced all parents want to be good parents. We just don't always know how or what might be some options. After all we generally parent the way we were parented --or exactly the opposite way.

So---Las Vegas...life...gives us unexpected opportunities...if we are open...if we recognize God's hand. I'm not certain God has a prepaid plan for my life--but He certainly gives me surprises.

Everyday, dear God, give me a moment to recognize your hand in my life.


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