A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Monday, December 22, 2014


Last minute gifts...the perfect gift...save on gifts.  These are all ads we are hearing over and over these last days before Christmas.

And yet we know we already have the perfect gift...the gift of recovery. Again it really doesn't matter what we are "recovering" from. We all have parts of our lives we would like to change. And in recovery we all have the freedom to change. As we talked about in the last blog, this freedom to change is a gift from God.

This gift is meant to be used every day. Unfortunately sometimes we open this gift of recovery and then tuck it neatly in a drawer or hang it in a closet. We don't use the gift. We even neglect to thank the Giver. Thank you notes seem to be a thing of the past. Do I remember to thank God every day for this gift of recovery? Do I whisper a morning prayer of thanks?

My recovery isn't "perfect" by some standards. But my addiction no longer controls my life. I have freedom  from the fear, anxiety, guilt and shame that comes with active addiction. Recovery for many of us is not a one time decision and happily ever after. It remains a daily gift that I must open and use.

You, the readers of this blog are part of that gift for me. Thanks to each of you, the readers, for being part of my recovery...for being a part of the conversation...for listening!Thinking about this blog, talking to my husband (my muse) about it, writing it are all parts of this gift of recovery God has given to me.

I thank God daily for this gift.  I live into God's promise that He is always with me. I pray you know that peace.

Merry Christmas!


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