A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Year in Review

Newspapers and television have many articles and programs reviewing the major events of 2015. I enjoy doing the same thing personally. I get out the calendar (we are very last century and continue to use a monthly paper calendar!). I look over each month and smile or cringe at the events and appointments. Not really major events on a grand scale but major in our lives.

 The smiles----the move to our new home, the Grand Canyon, the visits with kids in VA. and CA.and the parties they hosted while we were there so we could catch up with their friends,.. Camp CandleGlow-- (babysitting the grandkids with their other grandmother for a week---the playtime), the train trip up the west coast to Victoria and Vancouver, our new dog, Izzy (at times such a delight, at times so psychotic!) ---the groups and workshops, the church family and friends, Mary's continued progress to good health, And there are things that don't appear on the calendar---the continued successes and progress of the older grandkids (all 15!), the concerts, the movies.

The cringes---the medical issues, the unexpected death of Joe's sister, the unnecessary tensions in family.

Many more smiles than cringes but the cringes still pack a wallop.

It really is amazing---how little I know today of what will be the events of 2016. Exciting and scary.

What I do know is that if I am open God will be with me in it all. He will take my hand and walk with me---through the smiles and the cringes.

How about you? Excited? Scared? Open to God's Presence?


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