A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


My husband has been dieting for a couple of months. A diagnosis of "pre-diabetes" was the motivation and he has been moderating what and how much he eats. I am amazed and impressed--22 lbs. later. And the "pre-diabetes" blood sugar levels are significantly reduced.

I have mentioned his weight loss in conversations with a couple of friends and the response has often been, "don't you just hate that...or...don't you just hate him?" Well, no. As I said I am impressed and I am aware that this has taken a great deal of self denial, self discipline. This is not something that magically happened for him.

I wonder what makes people make comments like "don't you just hate that?" I guess it's envy. Most of us have some pounds we'd like to shed and though we make some effort, the weight just hangs on (literally!)  But again like so much of our communication, it really does reflect that it is all about us.

I remember in early recovery being so envious of people with years of sobriety. I thought, "I'll never have more years than they do."  Competitive---envious. I didn't really think through the years of focus and change that they had gone through.

And does that enviousness reflect a lack of gratitude---gratitude that I have enough to eat---gratitude that my body likes to eat!---gratitude that if I really want my life to be different I can make the necessary changes. I really can! I don't need to envy someone else's success. I can have my own success.

 I remember years ago reading a book that changed my life. The author said, "If there is something you don't like about your life, you can change it." What empowerment!I looked up from reading that passage and my life changed.

Is there something you would like changed in your life? Even something small? Take God's hand and he walks with you.


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