A woman's path to sustained recovery

Though the process of recovery is never easy, some women seem to move through the journey with less pain than others. Why? What makes the difference? Here we will talk about how that happens for each of us. We will talk about how women heal in mutually empowering realtionships with themselves, with others and with God.

Monday, May 2, 2016

the periphery

I just spent 4 days in southern California with my son and his family. It was a lovely visit---good food, comfortable home with great view, time with each of them---and especially a few private hours with my grand daughter. Lexi is just about to be 17. She has her first boyfriend. He's cute, plays football, goes to a different high school. They met at a church youth group. While I was there he asked her parents if he could have their "blessing" (his word) for them to be boyfriend and girlfriend!

Who does that these days??!! Who has those kind of manners??!! What I mostly read about is teenagers posting naked pictures on social media, bullying, hooking up. Where did these two very nice kids come from?? Of course they came from homes where parents take time to talk about responsibility, consequences of behavior, respect, manners. I'm so very pleased for all of them---the kids sense of social behavior, the pride the parents must feel.

The whole visit, however, was not "perfect." The parents went to a social event and though I was hesitantly invited it was clearly an event they felt awkward including me. They had apologized for the need to attend before I visited but I still felt "on the periphery" when the time came. My husband and I are slowly coming to the realization that we are "on the periphery" with all of our children. We understand they are all busy with children, jobs, exercise, homes etc. etc. etc. But the clear realization of our peripheral standing is giving us a bit of a jolt. We have seen it coming and talked about it but each occasion is a bit of an "ouch."

The good news is that this realization gives us an opportunity to see our relationship as a gift---strong, connected, humor filled, willing to talk and wrestle with these issues, mutually supportive; we play well together.

And we realize that we are not on the periphery of God's family. We are included and cherished in His family.

So are you---no matter where you might feel peripheral---you are one of God's children---treasured, loved and important.


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